The Campbell Comfort Story
Hi there!!! So glad you visited my little neck of the woods, my name is Christina Campbell and this is a place to share food and life. I am the mama of two little locas and wife to B, a reluctant healthy eater, we live in Austin, Texas and we feel blessed to be in the lone star state. My husband and I are originally from Southern California, I went to school in Boston, we lived in Denver for 7 years, moved to Houston for a year, and we have landed in Austin and I honestly never want to leave
I have always loved food, and I started to learn and experiment when I was a teenager and became passionate about cooking and baking. It became somewhat of my identity, the gal who made everything from scratch if possible, I catered parties, I sent out recipes to family and friends, my Christmas cookie plate was anticipated by loved ones. I even had a little blog with recipes and other life tidbits. But then I was noticing that my food choices were consistently unhealthy, and mostly as an emotional outlet, happy, sad, stressed, or bored. This developed to an unhealthy body, a mind consumed with food, and sometimes bingy habits. I was unhappy with myself, how I looked and felt, and honestly did not think I would ever make a true change in my person. I wanted to be a good example for my daughters and to be better to this body I had, with a family health history that was less than stellar, I knew I needed to make changes.
Just over a year ago, a friend and I heard about a boot camp, Burn Boot Camp Lakeway, opening and had some killer deal, so we decided we would die together, right after Thanksgiving when we really felt stuffed. I was completely hooked with that first workout, never being athletic, I was surprised at what I could actually do. That was the starting point of changing the way I took care of my body and eating. I met some of the best group of ladies, it was amazing to be surrounded by a group of people who were also making healthy changes and choices.
I started doing tons of research and I stumbled upon the Whole30 program, and I was instantly intrigued, a diet that wasn't a diet and I loved the idea of changing how your mind processed eating and foods. I shared my meal plans, recipes, pictures, and ideas with my Burn sisters and with their encouragement, this is why I wanted to share with the world. I have just completed my second round and now I am already planning my third and I am studying to become a Whole30 Certified Coach
This site is a place for easy, family friendly food, teaching how to organize and meal plan, also to share indulgences that are perfect for food freedom. There will probably be life tidbits because let's be honest, these kiddos are my life! I hope you are inspired here and feel like damn, I made that!