Campbell Comfort is a place to share clean eats, the sweet indulgences, and how messy life and motherhood can be. I hope you are inspired and feel like you can tackle any recipe and feel like the hero you are!



Quick and Dirty Facts about Christina Campbell

  • Mama of two little girls, Ainsley and Adara, Wife to Brandon for almost 11 years
  • Originally from Southern California, traveled throughout the country: Boston, Denver, Houston, and currently Austin

  • Hit 30 and changed my life with consistent cross-fit-ish workouts and healthy eating
  • Completed two full rounds of Whole30, a couple of mini-resets, and working towards becoming a Certified Whole30 Coach
  • Loves cats, have two, Baron von Campbell and Nessie
  • Interests include: cooking, meal planning, helping others, party planning, drinking wine (when not on Whole30), Harry Potter, nerdy things, making lists, hiding from my kids to use the facilities, discovering new places, date night with the hubs, and working out as a stress release.